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- Stuart Lock
Our People
Stuart Lock
Chief Executive Officer
Stuart is an experienced school principal who has led a range of schools to very strong improvements and very high standards. As chief executive since 2017, he leads the strategy and direction of the trust.
His wide understanding of the role of school trusts enables him to shape the trust's work to deliver the vision of exceptional education and pupil outcomes.
Stuart is also one of the DFE’s national behaviour advisors.
Stuart has been on working and advisory groups with the department of education on recruitment and retention, workload, the early career framework, national professional qualifications, the role of national leaders of education, and the national headteacher standards. He was also on the group that developed and wrote the MAT CEO development programme. Stuart is the editor of the researchEd Guide to Leadership.
Key Responsibilities:
- Leading the development and execution of the trust’s strategic objectives.
- Culture across the trust.
- Resource allocation and review.
Education and Qualifications:
- MA Philosophy of Education
Personal Statement:
Stuart is determined to show that schools in England can be exceptional, and that this is scalable and systematic. Advantage Schools therefore operates as an ‘outlier’ trust in service of pupils and their families.
- Email: ceo@advantageschools.co.uk