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Group 667
Group 667

Welcome from the CEO

Integrity, Ambition, Excellence

Welcome to Advantage Schools; a high-performing family of ten schools.

We unashamedly believe in high attainment. Our schools seek to transform the life-chances of the young people in our care. We do this through very high expectations – of behaviour and conduct, of hard work and of determination and perseverance – alongside the very best knowledge-based curriculum.

At Advantage Schools, we commit to ensuring that pupils will be able to learn in an environment that is free from disruption so that they can chase their dreams and fulfil the aspirations they share with parents and colleagues.

A broad curriculum places pupils in a strong position to question and debate the world around them, making them intellectually resilient and prepares them for citizenship in a democratic society. We believe this is a right of all pupils and one which is empowering.

We also pride ourselves on the additional opportunities available to pupils outside of the classroom. Our extensive extra-curricular programmes include residentials, sports and music so that we develop well-rounded young people.

Our schools work together to provide teachers and support staff with the best possible training. In partnership with families, we work hard to ensure that pupils have the widest possible opportunities in their lives.

Our schools’ doors are open in every sense:

  • we are in the centre of our communities, inviting them in regularly and celebrating the richness of our local area and those we serve;

  • we collaborate with other professionals and schools, sharing our work to benefit pupils across the country;

  • we celebrate what we do while maintaining humility in accepting feedback so that we can continue to improve.

We run our schools in the best interests of the pupils, guided by our principle that “it must be good enough for our own children or those that we care deeply about to be good enough for our pupils”.

“Educating children, serving the community, achieving exceptional outcomes."

Stuart Lock
Chief Executive